Sunday, February 23, 2014

Yielding without reservations


"I just cannot put my finger on what it is"

in a similar way = brick and mortar and beams and shingles - make a house

For: a house to be, some other "things" and "nothings" have to be present. a "nothing" is the  "freedom" to make decisions, give choices (and the most amazing "nothing" may be a choice which is not in favor of any personal immediate benefit, but to the benefit of the other, which at the same time appears to be to the detriment of my self).

(riding a coal train in January. ice-cold, windy & speed of train. old woman loses feeling in her feet. I place her feet against my bare abdomen until feeling is restored. Yet I do, by now, 2 1/2 hrs severely shiver) 1946 Heinsburg - Mannheim

here are some of my thoughts, which are fundamental to my search and preparation of forms, to be carved into wood during the coming summer. There are already 3 tree trunks 3 to 4 feet in diameter and about 7 feet long.

As you read this letter, please place question marks, whenever you wish (each line if possible) or exclamation marks or check marks. Perhaps a word or two - that is greatly appreciated.

The rest is self explanatory, keeping in mind that what is attempted here can actively not be said, but is present in your work.

Greetings to your dear family
                    with love
                          your Wolf

the ______?_______ were beginning to look increasingly similar.
the key was the receptor.
key = receptor (garble)
transliteration + hormone = key / receptor = ?

(through) by means of the receptor, the hormones acted.
It was essential to discover the receptors.
the receptors (their numbers and distribution is more important than the hormones 1. (from our momentary view) the hormones had been discovered, the receptors were much more difficult to locate and were discovered last.

Now, we think we know it all (or at least, we know a great deal about hormones and receptors to feel confident to locate the "rest" of the hormones and receptors). Yet that is, or would be, our downfall to assume that the sequence of hormone - receptor - effect is all there is to a human being. [to a machine, yes]

the sequence - to realizing something extraordinary about a human being, or life, or kosmos, searching for the cause of this something         will bring us to discovery! - and the means of our search will determine (to a large extent) what and how we find. Machines will find mechanism, chemistry will find chemicals, physics will find energy.

we have in the past misused our faint awareness of the "extraordinary" (ordinary = known order) ordinary is chemistry, physics i.e. metaphysics. And we know that this does not account for the extraordinary stirrings of a human being.

we need to leave (at least for a moment) the tools of any kind beside us, perhaps even be without tools (crutches).

to be human, fully, is to let all we are         fully be

few ever experienced such fullness in letting be. Those who do, carry for the rest of their lives this eminent experience.

Alan Watts says - we can not prepare for it. what we are facing (or missing or wanting) is an event; something which takes place without (1) interference, therefore (2) without planning (3) equally without hope, which (is) a force of a peculiar set, (4)without attention, since attention is a directive force which restricts the fullness of our cosmos.

From this "negative" premise we may be experiencing something or rather that which is all encompassing, where all potentials are appropriately contributing in a concerted (cybernautical?) (exchange?) accord.

such accord, when experienced, is of a uniqueness, to which we have no means to address either thought in the logical sequence of words or sentences.

we see successful attempts of conveyance in a work of art.

A work of art, therefore, is just about as rare as the event, wherein a human being experiences the fullness of accord of the cosmos within the cosmos, which is when we have given free all possibilities to arrange themselves into a constellation of letting be.

A yielding without reservations.

It may help to say, this event is the most dynamic interplay possible. the recollection [since the complexity is so vast the words cannot hold it and since we are trained like rats to label all we know with words and if there are no words for it than it does not exist(!)] therefore is only momentary. 1. we are flooded with unspeakable joy (close to ecstasy. it is not ecstasy because we are just coming out of ecstasy and in the coming out we experience the residues of that ecstasy; once more the ecstasy is the sum of giving all the potentials to themselves for them to find the optimal (momentary) accord. Coming out of this highest state of being we are different. We differ so profoundly, that an identical state (repetition) is just about impossible. [correct! nevertheless]

we remember only the residue of the ecstasy.
(because even memory is a minute part of that accord)

And, as soon as memory is playing it's main part again (after the accord) i.e. during our calculating, waking hours of logically oriented life, we even lose that which we gained during (ek - stasis) ecstasy. the brain is disturbed by our daily distractions and illogical forces of social behavior, that nothing will remain of this vast happening of "all in accord", but a vague glow and wish to be able to repeat. If we yield to such wish - it would be the death knell to ever growing out of that state.

(again: because the distinction of an ecstasy as a happening from an ecstasy caused by wish or desire is initially not possible. therefore we recognize the term = "let be", as the sole reference to something which is of utmost importance to all human beings. (Be it emphasized = this: "let be" is of an integrity and comprises an inner strength and willing readiness given to all human beings and experienced by so few, solely or only by a few because we cling to our indoctrination. Therefore this emphasis on well-being experience as being among all human beings. Become aware.

19 Feb 1988

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