Friday, March 26, 2021

There are people who think without words

30 September 1988


-we sometimes think in words.

-at those times we depend on words to sense the sense they make.

-then there are people (thinkers, poets, artists, housewives, children) who think without words.

-paintings, forms, instrumental tone, the unthought tone of voice, brought about without the help of language are, more often than not, the clearer, deeper (more eloquent) expressions of our being as it is in a total world (which we have assimilated).

(to this world we intend to live intelligently Latin: inter = Engl: between; Latin: legere = to gather, to choose)

we are disturbed (quite early in a lifetime) by a society with a fixed set of codes (of conduct, response, work station, school expectation, religious expectations)

-in my letter to you of May 5, 1986 I related to you how Thomas Cappuccio and I were quite unable to bring about verbal responses to your paintings as represented by photos (which you had sent to us). And that by means of careful exchange of many words a few hints to the propensity of your work (paintings) emerged (as in: Blue Contained)

perhaps (I am not uncertain when I write perhaps) we have to paint (we, all of humankind) and paint and paint, little or much or none at all, for a while.

When you talk to your wife - free of "words", when you hug your child in that way - that is painting at it's foremost. That is living at it's highest. (If we could only trust that most personal experiencing)

The greatest thinkers, artists, poets are those who do sense, as you do and begin to realize the uniqueness as well as the universality of this taking place within and about them.

And in so living (i.e. painting) we "give" color, pattern, form, touch, exchange of  nods of the head, or looks of the eyes, or a gentle holding of the hand, an ever so faint greeting...

when we, as we do so (and we do so!), we begin to stand on the foundations of humanity - human being - being.

Once we are aware of it, we will feel an inexorable, unstoppable vigor, a strength to convey this awareness. To help others to experience life, to live life out of this magnificence, this ease, as Krishnamurti writes: "the beauty of all of it."

The counterpoint to this deep insight experience is the "follower", the one who wanted to be told what to think, how to think, where to think.

personal experience, self reliance - (an ordinary school experienced individual is void of such capacity... has been decapitated). this is our way of domesticating animals like cows and horses and rabbits. the world population becomes rapidly such, or is such since thousands of years? (you can read this sentence also without the question marks)

The dialogue, the exchange and the questions we have from deep within us - they are timeless, and are our treasures. In exchanging: we strengthen, widen, live.

for over three months most of my activity was to bring water from the pond (our own) to the trees, which stood in soil that was powder dry to a depth of four feet. thousands of tree (seedlings and up to 3 feet) dimply died. I could not bring water to 17000 trees, yet I drove with the tractor and 500 gallons water wagon day in day out, walking in the hillsides with 5 gallon pails and 1 1/2 thick hoses. Some - those who received their water rations regularly, even thrived, since the sunshine was during those days: continuous. Last week we had 4, later 2 inches of rain. now this week i became a bit more human in that I have "time". time to do else but run for water, time to visit, time to read, time to feel, time to think and time to write, time to say hello!

Today, a long-time acquaintance accorded a bust commission. As soon as my left ring finger can flex again (got squashed against a log splitter) I will begin modeling. A fine man - with a concern for the well-being of all with whom he comes in contact.

We had our first frost. Since I have a woodstove, wood is needed. The forest is full of "fire wood". Now: getting it.

The shelves (storage) are full of plaster molds to be transferred into plaster casts (well over 30)

two bronze casts completed, 6 small modelings in wax, ready for casting - when?

slowly, ever so slowly a begin.

And yet, I feel fulfilled. 

with love, 

Your Wolf

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