Saturday, March 27, 2021

We seem to be paralyzed in grasping everything at once

4 July 1986


Dear Phillip:

Once more, I like to thank you for your sharing thoughts and feelings, letter May 8, the death of Krishnamurti in February, the bulletin, a copy of which you sent. This in turn I gave to various students, friends as Bill Fleming (studio courses, 1970-72).

You are saying that you are moved, not so much by the words but by the acknowledgement of the truth (fact) the reality Being (Heidegger) of life itself. hold it right there. try to find with me together an expression which describes your feelings, thoughts, inner constellation without the adding: it self. life! yes! that I share with you and Krishnamurti before his death. It is his saying that we shall live wholly as one. when we say: life itself we begin to separate life and us from it. but that is exactly the miracle - which in some sense is not a miracle but the truth or fact or being or whatever is is called that we are

everything under the sun

the sun included

i.e. nothing excluded

nothing: not a thing or thought or feeling or or or excluded [this is the most difficult to live]

we just seem to be paralyzed in grasping everything at once. all our education: pinpointing (as in one and one is two)

a friend and student, Hannah Hultgreen, was taught by her mother how to count. Mother: "Hannah, you do have two apples here, give one apple to Danny" (also 4 years old). Hannah did so. Now her mother asked: "Hannah, how many apples do you have now?" and Hannah promptly replied: "two." Mother exasperates not. "Let Danny eat the apple". Hannah agreed and all sort of waited while Danny ate the apple. Mother: "how many apples do you have now? Hannah!" Hannah: "Two: one in my hands and one in Danny's tummy." Mother: But Hannah, you gave this apple away as a gift to Danny." Hannah: "Yes, mom, so I gave it to him, I would give him all of my toys, I like him so much." pause "But the apple is mine, you said so yourself - it is my apple I gave it to him..."

Over 20 years later the lady, Hannah, still remembers her feelings = sure, it is my apple - and Danny ate the apple - but I (Hannah) wanted him to have al I could give him, so this apple [and in it my love for him] it is still my apple that made him relish the meal of an apple.  Hannah: "I lost nothing but I gained his expression of joy!" So much for our accounting system...

My best thoughts are with you Phillip, 

Love, Wolfram

Below is a scan of Wolf's plan for building a root cellar included with this letter:

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